Sunday, August 23, 2015

Aug. 11, 2015:
Dear incredible familia y amigos!!!!
(Seriously love you all so stinkin much!!!)

Oh my heavens bless...guess what?! We were able to go to the Trujillo Temple today as a zone...with Pres. and Hna. Marler!!! My first session in the Trujillo Temple! I LOVED it! (For this reason our p-day is today instead of yesterday) What a special experience...I was really able to feel the love of my Savior and grow in MY love for Him! What a blessing in our lives that we have a Savior who can save us if we let Him and come unto Him! 

Our awesome district in front of the beautiful Trujillo Temple!

Wow...another week! Where does the time go...seriously? This week we were able to see some neat little miracles. We were finally able to find one of our temple referencias, Yolanda, in her house and she invited us right in! We were talking to her about her life and she was so golden...she kept making comments about how we were guides for her and how she wanted to follow the example of Jesus Christ. So even though we hadn't even started with a prayer we both felt to invite her right then and there to be baptized when she came to know the truth for herself...and we HAD NOT planned this so....I showed all 5 of my fingers...for the 5th of Sept. and we invited her with a date too! Whoooo Hoooo! It was really so special...she is so sweet and really wants to keep learning how she can better her life. In our other lesson with her...she was so cute in her prayer...she asked that "her hermanas" could keep coming back to help and visit her! Wow! I sure hope she keeps on progressing and coming closer to her Heavenly Father!

Holy Cow...this week I reached 10 months in my odd how fast time flies! Wow! I need time to slow down a little! I am loving to get to know the people of Vista Alegre and I am definitley loving having Hna. Nielsen for my comp! She sure is amazing! 

I am trying to improve my obedience to be more exact but to also have fun and enjoy my mission...there is a balance for sure and I am trying to find it. 
Me and Hna. Nielsen enjoying some good American pizza! :D

Our eyes even look the same! :D

Checking out some sunglasses!

Wow! We were able to have interviews with Pres. Marler, Hna. Marler, and the assistants this week!!!! I always love interviews so much...always come out uplifted and more excited! 
"Our interview with Hna. Marler was AMAZING!! We always have companionship intervies with her. We talked about our carpeta de area (area book) and whew! It was up-to-date because we had been working on it...and now we have new desires and a goal to do it for just like 10 min. each night. Oh something new for me was that we did our whole interview in ENGLISH! Really interesting...Hna. Marler tols us that we need to be saying at least one prayer in English each day because it is our native language and we will be using English to teach the gospel more in our whole lives than Spanish. It made me stop and think...because I am always thinking about my Spanish and how I need to improve it and how I need to speak more in just Spanish. But now I have realized that with a North Americn comp, Hna. Nielsen, it feels SO GOOD to fully be able to communicate my thoughts, ideas, and feelings. 
Hna. Marler said so many things that I needed so badly...but beforehand I didn't know I needed to hear them! She talked about her convesrion story and how the missionaries who first talked to her marker her life...and to them she is forever grateful. She was baptized about a year later...but those missionaries helped start the process. :) It just shows that every moment is precious and we need to give our all in every lesson with each person. We are touching lives...even if we aren't baptizing! What relief to hear...and what a blessing. Hna. Marler was so sweet and personal with us! She told us how special we are and how much she loves us! It was such a neat interview...and she even gave us a scrumpcious homemade cookies afterwards! :D"

Getting into a mototaxi!
-So uhhhh...we were playing futbol as a zone this week...and I totally jammed my finger...I shook it off and kept playing (cuz I didn't want to be a wimp ;)). Then I ran to stop the ball from going out and as I put my foot on it to stop it...I totally just kept going with the ball and fell HARD right on my tailbone (QUE VERGÜENZA!) Yeah...this is plain evidence that I am seriously lacking in my foot eye coordinancion! jaja! So it was a little tough to get I was just taking a few minutes on the sidelines...but I felt horrible! Totally light headed...then Hna. Nielsen came up and said that my face was SO white and I told her that I felt I was going to pass out...and that is exactly what I did...what a baby right?! jaja! She said my pupils were so huge...there was hardly any color in my eyes! But NO WORRIES AT ALL!!! :) I am good now! Just a little sore! My finger is good too! I should have just slept in that morning...jaja! :) Gotta love the adventures!
-We have an amazing member who is on break this week from school and she just wants to accompany us all the time! her name is Krizia! She is the bomb!
-Guess what?! Hna. South is my hermana leader and we are in the same zone and DISTRICT!!!!! Can you believe it!? So stinkin fun!

Hermana South and Jennesa!!
(Companions in the CCM!)

-Oh my! So I have ringworm...just a little...we just like to laugh about it...I have cream and everything! So it is taken care of! 
-In my interview with Pres. Marler we were able to talk about fervent and mighty prayer...We need to really picture Heavenly Father's face when we are praying, because we really are talking to Him! 

Life is so good! Go out and do something for someone else! 
Love you all!
Loves to the moon and back and farther,
Hermana Coleman :D

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