The entire group of missionaries performing the first night!
(Jennesa is in white on the left side, front row, behind the kneeling Elder)
Cute Jennesa listening as Hermana South plays a song!
Practicing for 3 hours before the performance!
Watching as others perform....
Snapping along to a song!!
They performed for over 2,000 people
in the city center of Trujillo!!
The entire group of missionaries performing the second night
(Dec. 20th!)
(Jennesa is in the maroon sweater on the second row, a tiny bit to the left of the center!!)
A Thumbs up from Jennesa during the Sat. night rehearsals!
(We found out later, that she started getting the flu and was sick this night for the next 3 days! Hermana Guevara (on the right of Jennesa) was an incredibly loving companion and took such good care of her! What a tender mercy!)
Here is Jennesa's letter from this week...
Dear lovely fam and friends!
Wowzers...as I am writing this...I am kind of sweatin up a storm from a stinkin fever that I have had since Sunday morningish! :/ It has been tough being sick on a mission...because the whole time I have been feeling so bad that I am affecting my comp and my investigators! :( yesterday I basically went to sacrament meeting and then laid in bed all day...I started feeling a little better after some time...so we went out at 7:00-9:00 pm but by the end of those two hours oh buddy...my body just ached and my head was pounding...we got home and yet again I had a stinkin fever! My amazing comp has been such a good mom to me! She stayed up with me till about 12:30am last night checking my temp and wouldn't go to sleep until she knew my fever was gone. We call them my favoritas...these clothes that she wets with cold water and puts on my forehead! She is the best! OH and our sweet pensionista came over yesterday with soup and wheat bread for me and she calls to check on me. Mom I realized how much I depend on you when i`m sick...but I realized that I have different mom`s out on my mish! What a blessing! Hopefully this will pass! :)
We were able to have some neat noche de hogars (family nights) this week! I love getting to play my violin with families! The little kids love it and really want to learn all about it...even though I play really simple songs out of the hymn book...what a blessing our mission has instruments for us to use? Who would have thought I would be playing the violin in Peru? :) Well heavenly father knew...what a blessing that he has a plan for our lives!
Speaking of violin...this Friday and Saturday night we had a huge Christmas show in the huge central park (Plaza de Armas) in the center of Trujillo! Wow was it so neat or what? I played in a quartet with Hma. South, Elder Davis, and Elder Hakkey. and then all the missionaries sang some hymns, there were videos, dances, poems, and other special numbers! So many people were watching! It was sure a neat experience and I am so grateful I was able to be a part of it! The spirit was so fantastic!
Really sad...Karen our investigator who was planning on baptism on the 27th wasn't at church yesterday because she had a fiesta and didn't get home till 3 in the morning...stinkin fiestas! :( :) So new meta (goal)! Whew! But we did see some little milagros (miracles) this week...we were talking to a group of boys in the street and I wasn't saying much...but I had a strong feeling to ask them if they knew some English because they learn in school...they knew a little bit but got really excited and we told them about the English class we have on martes en la noche (Tuesday nights). Frustrating . . . we planned a noche de hogar with an investigator...and we brought a member...it was muy (very) far...so we got there and she was gone...but we were able to find a new investigator that night! :)
-Sometimes it smells like dog food really bad!
-Last preparation day we made la causa...potatoes...with tuna, carrots, and peas, and more potatoes! so good! (see photo below)
-We love our 13 days of Christmas! Each time we open a new decoration for the tree my comp says wow! mucho pacienca (lots of patience)! Each little thing colored and cut out!
-Oh gosh I was giving out a tarjeta (pass along card) to this menos activo (less active member) who always laughs at my Spanish...and a drunk guy walks up behind me with a bike. He is crying and starts talking only to me...I was so caught off guard that I didn't really understand what he was saying...later my comp told me...he said...Jesus was coming in 3 years and we needed to prepare...repeated! Then I love you all! and he left! :/ muy raro (odd)!
-Alman 1:1 "having warred a good warfare, walking uprightly before God"...I want to feel this way after my mish! :) and during! :)
Love you all so much! Thanks for all your support! :)
Hermana Coleman :D
¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ OH AND FELIZ NAVIDAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!