Saturday, November 29, 2014

Arriving in Trujillo, Peru!

Tues. November 19, 2014---
Jennesa Arriving in her mission in Trujillo, Peru!
Coming out of the airport!!
All of the newly arriving missionaries with
President and Sister Marler!
"Wow! This is super hard...but all is going to be ok...huh?! :) With God all things are possible...I just have to keep reminding myself! I sure love you all and loved all the pics and emails that were awaiting me! Thanks so much! Your support is seriously amazing! :) Trujillo is certainly different from the CCM...but it's good. My comp is so sweet! and we are totally doing the cute turkey idea, Mom! Thanks for that sweet package...I got it the day before I left the CCM! Perfect timing! Wow! Church in Espanol (Spanish) is way made me miss meetings in English...but poco a poco (little by little)...right? :)"
Having a little break for fun on the swings!
(Look how much fun Sis. Marler is having! So cute!)
All on the bus heading to the mission home!

Playing games to learn Spanish!

Receiving training from Pres. Marler!

Jennesa with her trainer, Hermana Gueverra!
" was super hard to say goodbye to everyone in el CCM (The Missionary Training Center)...our Distrito (District) was sooooo close and I really miss them! I hope they're all doing awesome in their missions. It was super hard to say goodbye to my two amazing more trio...but my new comp is incredible! Hermana Guevara! She herself is a testimony to me of how Heavenly Father answers our prayers! I was really praying for a loving and patient Latina companion who would be patient with my Espanol--and she really is! It amazes me sometimes of how she lets me read scriptures in the lessons and how she turns to me when she has no clue what is going to come out of my mouth. I am so blessed!" 

Having a break for lunch!

More from Jennesa's letter this week...
"I am not going to lie...this week has been soooo hard. Spanish is a tough language and the field is so different from the CCm...iIwas so used to all the hermanas on our floor talking in english all the time and singing songs from the U.S., etc. but now I am seriously in another country out of the bubble of the CCM and just with one cute latina has been really different...but it's growing on me. I am soooo grateful for prayer...we pray so much and I seriously have to rely on the spirit to help the people understand what I am trying to say to them! The first day here...Pres. Marler was talking to us (I LOVE Hermana and Pres. Marler by the way!!) about how when we testify...even if we are struggling to come up with the words...if we look in their eyes with love and confidence...the spirit will testify of our words to them! I have really been trying to do is tough...but it will be ok! When trying to talk to people and they ask me how long i've been here...and I say 6 days...or whatever...I tell them poco a spanish will come...aaaaahhh! This is seriously going to be my theme for my mission. I just have to remember that quote, perfect in trying! :)"

The poverty here is astounding...some of the houses we teach in are not even houses...I am so humbled when I think of our home and all that we are blessed with. These people have so little and yet they are doing the best they can. It was very humbling yesterday when our great investigator Luis came to church...he looked so nice in his buttoned up shirt and jeans...he had done his hair and was carrying his Libro de Mormon (Book of Mormon) and himnos (Hymn book) in a little grocery sack...he looked so happy! What an amazing man...he has so little...the gospel is going to help him and already is! I can tell! I was able to invite him to be was incredible! He is progressing really well. 

We have an awesome pensionista...Hermana Licha! I love her! Even though I struggle understanding everyone. :) She is so thoughtful and kind...she always says "Mi princesas!" (My princesses!) when we knock on her door and she opens it! She reminds me of you, Mom! The weather is beautiful...crazy to think it is freezing back home! and that Thanksgiving is this week! Eat lots of stuffing and mashed potates for me! :)

-Nov. 14- 5.3 or 5.8 was in the CCM and we were only 20 km from the center of it...pretty crazy..luckily we're all ok.
-My feet are so stinky...hopefully I don't get lovely athelets foot
-Helping my comp learn!
-Crazy it's almost navidad!
-Violin...I get to play in a special meeting and the Christmas program
-I have the hiccups a ton here!
-Music!!!! no music allowed in it is so nice

-Face...face...face!-me and my comp after talking to a guy with no shirt on...we just have to focus on the face...face...face...same with moms who decide to feed their babies during lessons.
-Jacob 5:75 What I want the Lord to say to me at the end of my mission!

Love you all soooo much! Miss you more than are in my prayers!

Hermana Coleman :D"

Life at home without Jennesa!!

While Jennesa was spending her first night in Trujillo,
we were having a Ward Missionary Night Celebration at home!!
All of the missionary mom's sang a Missionary Medley Song!
("I Hope They Call me on a Mission" and "I'll go Where you Want me to Go")
(We are standing in the order of when our missionary comes home!) 
Notice the order of the Mom's and the sweet picture of our daughters all serving missions!  How beautiful!

We got to wear missionary nametags with our
sweet daughter's names on them!!
It was an incredible night!

Caden made himself a "Jennesa" shelf in his room
with every single one of her mission pictures on it! 

Some Halloween fun with Jennesa and friends!!

The Spackman's posing with "Jennesa"!

When Bree and I miss Jennesa, we wear her clothes! 
So, here we are both wearing her shirts!
(We pretty much wear something of hers every day!) :-)

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Jennesa in the CCM!!

Oct. 7, 2014--
Jennesa flew all day and arrived in Lima, Peru to enter the Missionary Training Center!
This is the first picture we received and we were so excited!  She is in a three-some with Hermana South and Hermana Kiser!
They all get along so well and have so much fun together!

She's loving the CCM! 

Her fun district!  She absolutely loves these awesome missionaries!!

A group selfie on P-Day!! 

All the Hermanas in her district at the Lima Temple!
They get to go every P-Day!

In front of the CCM sign with her two companions!

In front of the field where they run around for exercise!

What a blessing to go to the temple each week!

What sweet girls! 

I think they are wanting to join the
"Happy Hands" club from Napolean Dynamite!
(The only problem is, they don't seem too happy about it!) :-)

Jennesa's appearance at the WX Region Cross Country Meet!

Jennesa really didn't want to miss this meet, so in a way, she didn't! :-)  She brought sooo many smiles with her presence---and even a few tears!  Her "cheering on" worked--Woods Cross swept the meet..1st place JV and Varsity boys and girls! So fun!

With Caden and Spencer!!
Hey! It's kind of nice actually being taller than Jennesa!

Sarah, Elodie and Marissa with Bree! 

                  Marissa                                                Megan

There were some pretty excited girls to see our cut-out Jennesa!

The Airport!!

Oct. 7, 2014--Finally Leaving to Peru!!
Our goodbye sendoff at 6:00am!
Our sweet neighbors got up early to wave goodbye to Jennesa!

"It's really feeling real, now!"
Checking in! 

The final family picture!!

"Peru, here I come!"

Now for the goodbyes.... 
Dad saying goodbye to his little girl!

Ready or not, here it comes! :-)

Spencer and Jennesa 

Caden and Jennesa 

Hunter and Jennesa
Bree and Jennesa
Jarrett and Jennesa

The final walk... 
Goodbye Jennesa!
You are going to have amazing experiences!
We're sooo proud of you and love you so much!
See ya in 18 months!!